2024-2025 Obesity Management in Primary Care Professional Development and Certificate Program

The Obesity Management in Primary Care Professional Development and Certificate Program is a self-guided continuing professional development (CPD) Certificate Program sponsored by the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA), National Association for Continuing Education (NACE), and The Obesity Association (TOS). This Obesity Management in Primary Care Professional Development and Certificate Program is a learning initiative that will educate and empower clinicians to increase their knowledge, skills, competence, confidence, and performance relative to obesity management in the primary care setting. The curriculum facilitates a systematic application of evidence-based obesity management best practices for primary care clinicians. The program is designed to provide the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to effectively work in a clinical setting with patients who are at risk for, or live with obesity and its related diseases. This program is designed to help providers build a specific skill set that will allow completers to expand their practices and pursue career advancement.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize obesity as a chronic, progressive disease with a distinct pathophysiology that contributes to cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic risk factors, disease, and complications.
  • Employ non-stigmatizing communication and behaviors to minimize bias toward individuals with obesity in professional and clinical settings.
  • Screen for, diagnose, and document overweight and obesity as part of routine healthcare.
  • Utilize a multi-component approach to obesity management that includes lifestyle intervention, behavioral therapy, and pharmacologic treatment according to clinical practice guidelines.
  • Initiate, monitor, and switch anti-obesity medication in appropriate patients according to clinical practice guidelines.
  • Facilitate pre- and post-care for metabolic and bariatric surgery in coordination with metabolic and bariatric surgery centers.
  • Effectively code office visits and document time in counseling and education for obesity management.
  • Develop appropriate, individualized treatment plans for patients affected by obesity.

Acknowledgement of Commercial Support

This activity is supported by educational grants from Lilly and Novo Nordisk.

   Overcoming Bias and Engaging in Meaningful Conversations Regarding Obesity Management
   Pharmacotherapy for Obesity - Interactive
   Practical Strategies for Obesity Management in Primary Care

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