A Practical Approach to Navigating Age and Socioeconomic Barriers while Managing Obesity

Treating patients with obesity is more than a science; it is an art. Unfortunately, healthcare practitioners often overlook treating obesity due to its complexities including medical, physical, psychological, age, and socioeconomic barriers. Among the most challenging patients are those in the geriatric population, low-income population, and those with cultural differences. Bariatric surgeries, brand name medications, exercise programs, and meal replacements or strict dietary programs are usually not an option for these communities. Recognizing these barriers is important in order to develop alternative treatment plans needed to successfully treat obesity in these complex patients.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:  

  • Identify common barriers in treating obesity
  • Discuss concerns in treating obesity in the geriatric population
  • Address challenges in managing obesity in the low-income population
  • Recommend realistic treatment options for a culturally diverse population